1818, erste Hälfte December. Mit Marie Sidonie von Grün Fräulein von Grün with scollop shells and silver spangles was a Pilgrim Genius leading the brillant procession. [Festzug vom 18. December 1818]. A timid school girl she whas summoned to the house of the great poet and minister, Goethe received her with the greatest courtesy and gentleness; he read her part to her and made her repeat it after him. He bade her learn it so that she could say it asleep. When she went to him again, she had committed it perfectly to memory. Goethe praised her and said stroking her locks: »No one could say it better than you my beautiful, dark-haired child. Do not fear in the presence of kings or emperors.« In the presence of the Court she was not afraid, for Goethe's assurance was in her heart and his eye upon her.